Tiffany | Yuri | Taeyeon | Yoona | Hyoyeon
Sooyoung | Jessica | Seohyun | Sunny
[JS] Miahnhadahn maleul gidarinayo
Gwenhan shimsool naegopeun nahmjadeuleuh
Mahmeul ahlsoo upssuhsuh mahm ahpahanayo
[SN] Geuhga byunhagireul barajimayo
Eetneun moseup geuhdaero bahdahjyeoyo
Uhnjenga geuhdaereul weehae honja noryukhahl taeneekka
[YR] Eebyuleuh gipeun uhdoomee dahtji ahneun biteul chahtahyo
[TF] Saesang geuh moouhtbodado gajang bitnaneun geuh eehreum
Let's talk about love
[SH] Orae chamneun meedeumgwah ohnyoohahn maheumeuhro
Gwenhan shimsool naegopeun nahmjadeuleuh
Mahmeul ahlsoo upssuhsuh mahm ahpahanayo
[SN] Geuhga byunhagireul barajimayo
Eetneun moseup geuhdaero bahdahjyeoyo
Uhnjenga geuhdaereul weehae honja noryukhahl taeneekka
[YR] Eebyuleuh gipeun uhdoomee dahtji ahneun biteul chahtahyo
[TF] Saesang geuh moouhtbodado gajang bitnaneun geuh eehreum
Let's talk about love
[SH] Orae chamneun meedeumgwah ohnyoohahn maheumeuhro
[YA] Geuhyeuh jalmohteul yongsuhhae joogireul
If you just believe
[SN] Sarangeeh jaranmahnkeum ahpeumeeh kuhjuhdo
If you just believe
[SN] Sarangeeh jaranmahnkeum ahpeumeeh kuhjuhdo
[SH] Moolluhsuhji mahlahyo [TF] Sarangeuh eehreumeuhro
[TY] Dagagahlsoorok duh muhuhjinayo
Mahl mohttal eehyoodeullo sangchuhjooneun suhroeuh byunmyungeun
Eehjae geuhmahn geuhnyul gamssahjyeoyo
[SY] Heemdeun noonmooleuh soongahnae geuhdae pogihaji mahlahyo
[JS] Saesang geuh moouhtbodado gajang bitnaneun geuh eehreum
Let's talk about love
[SH] Guhjeet uhpneun somahnggwah gyumsonhahn maeumeuhro
[HY] Muhnjuh mahlhaeyo sarangeuh gobaekeul
If you just believe
[TY] Saesang dahn hanappooneen sojoonghahn geuhnyuhreul
[JS] Juhldae nohtchijee mahyo [HY] sarangeuh eehreum euhro
[TY] Eeh saesangeeh joolsoo uhpneun sarangeun
Hangsang gyuhtae eetsuh geuhdaeyaegae yonggeereul
Baby just believe!
Love [SH] byunchi ahneun saranggwah youngwonhahn haengbokeuhro
Hanaga dwehuh chookbokhae joogireul
If you just believe
[TY] Muhn hootnahl dashee hahnbuhn ahpeumee ohndaedo
Eehgyuhnael guhrah gootgae meeduhyo
[JS] Oh sarangyeuh eehreumeuhro
[TY] Dagagahlsoorok duh muhuhjinayo
Mahl mohttal eehyoodeullo sangchuhjooneun suhroeuh byunmyungeun
Eehjae geuhmahn geuhnyul gamssahjyeoyo
[SY] Heemdeun noonmooleuh soongahnae geuhdae pogihaji mahlahyo
[JS] Saesang geuh moouhtbodado gajang bitnaneun geuh eehreum
Let's talk about love
[SH] Guhjeet uhpneun somahnggwah gyumsonhahn maeumeuhro
[HY] Muhnjuh mahlhaeyo sarangeuh gobaekeul
If you just believe
[TY] Saesang dahn hanappooneen sojoonghahn geuhnyuhreul
[JS] Juhldae nohtchijee mahyo [HY] sarangeuh eehreum euhro
[TY] Eeh saesangeeh joolsoo uhpneun sarangeun
Hangsang gyuhtae eetsuh geuhdaeyaegae yonggeereul
Baby just believe!
Love [SH] byunchi ahneun saranggwah youngwonhahn haengbokeuhro
Hanaga dwehuh chookbokhae joogireul
If you just believe
[TY] Muhn hootnahl dashee hahnbuhn ahpeumee ohndaedo
Eehgyuhnael guhrah gootgae meeduhyo
[JS] Oh sarangyeuh eehreumeuhro
[시카] 미안하단 말을 기다리나요
괜한 심술 내고픈 남자들의 맘을 알 수 없어서 맘 아파하나요
[써니] 그가 변하기를 바라지마요 있는 모습 그대로 받아줘요
언젠가 그대를 위해 혼자 노력할 테니까
[유리] 이별의 깊은 어둠이 닿지 않는 빛을 찾아요
[파니] 세상 그 무엇보다도 가장 빛나는 그 이름
Let's talk about love
[서현] 오래 참는 믿음과 온유한 마음으로
[윤아] 그의 잘못을 용서해주기를
If you just believe
[써니] 사랑이 자란만큼 아픔이 커져도
[서현] 물러서지 말아요 [파니] 사랑의 이름으로
[태연] 다가갈수록 더 멀어지나요
말 못할 이유들로 상처주는 서로의
[태연] 다가갈수록 더 멀어지나요
말 못할 이유들로 상처주는 서로의
변명은 이제 그만 그녈 감싸줘요
[수영] 힘든 눈물의 순간에 그대 포기하지 말아요
[시카] 세상 그 무엇보다도 가장 빛나는 그 이름
Let's talk about love
[수영] 힘든 눈물의 순간에 그대 포기하지 말아요
[시카] 세상 그 무엇보다도 가장 빛나는 그 이름
Let's talk about love
[써현] 거짓없는 소망과 겸손한 마음으로
[효연] 먼저 말해요 사랑의 고백을
If you just believe
[태연] 세상 단 하나뿐인 소중한 그녀를
[태연] 세상 단 하나뿐인 소중한 그녀를
[시카] 절대 놓치지마요 [효연] 사랑의 이름으로
[태연] 이 세상이 질 수 없는 사랑은
항상 곁에 있어 그대의 그 용기를
[태연] 이 세상이 질 수 없는 사랑은
항상 곁에 있어 그대의 그 용기를
Baby just believe!
Love [서현] 변치 않은 사랑과 영원한
Love [서현] 변치 않은 사랑과 영원한
행복으로 하나가 되어 축복해주기를
If you just believe
[태연] 먼 훗날 다시 한번 아픔이
온대도 이겨낼거라 굳게 믿어요
[시카] oh 사랑의 이름으로
[시카] oh 사랑의 이름으로
Let's talk about love
[JS] Are you waiting to hear the words I'm sorry
Are you hurting because you can't understand his complicated heart?
[SN] Don't expect him to change, just accept him as he is
Some day, he will try harder on his own for you
[YR] Look for the light far from the darkness that dwells in this separation
[TF] That name shining brighter than anything else in this world
Let's talk about love
[SH] With your patient faith and gentle heart
[YA] Please forgive his mistakes
If you just believe
[SN] Even if your pain grows as much as you've loved,
[SH] don't back down [TF] in the name of love
[TY] Do you grow farther apart as you get closer?
Don't make any more excuses that will cause
[TY] Do you grow farther apart as you get closer?
Don't make any more excuses that will cause
pain through unspoken reasons, and just embrace her
[SY] When you shed painful tears in times of trouble, don't give up
[JS] That name shining brighter than anything else in this world
Let's talk about love
[SH] With your honest hope and humble heart
[HY] Tell her first, your confession of love
[SY] When you shed painful tears in times of trouble, don't give up
[JS] That name shining brighter than anything else in this world
Let's talk about love
[SH] With your honest hope and humble heart
[HY] Tell her first, your confession of love
If you just believe
[TY] She's the most precious girl in this world
[JS] Don't ever lose her, [HY] in the name of love
[TY] This love that the world cannot offer is always by our side
In our courage, baby just believe
[TY] She's the most precious girl in this world
[JS] Don't ever lose her, [HY] in the name of love
[TY] This love that the world cannot offer is always by our side
In our courage, baby just believe
Love [SH] With unchanging love and eternal happiness
We will become blessed as one
If we just believe
[TY] Even if pain comes to us once more
I strongly believe we will overcome them
[JS] In the name of love
¡Hablemos de amor!
[JS] ¿Estás esperando a escuchar "lo siento"?
[YR] Busca la luz alejada de esta oscuridad
Si sólo creemos...
[TY] Incluso si el dolor viene a nosotros una vez más,
[JS] ¿Estás esperando a escuchar "lo siento"?
¿Te duele porque no entiendes su complicado corazón?
[SN] No esperes que cambie, sólo acéptalo como es.
[SN] No esperes que cambie, sólo acéptalo como es.
Algún día, él por su cuenta se esforzará más por ti.
[YR] Busca la luz alejada de esta oscuridad
que reside en esta ruptura.
[TF] El nombre que brilla con más fulgor
[TF] El nombre que brilla con más fulgor
que cualquier otra cosa en este mundo.
¡Hablemos de amor!
[SH] Con tu esperanza paciente y gentil corazón,
[YA] por favor perdona sus errores.
Si sólo crees...
[SN] Incluso si tu dolor crece tanto como tu amor,
¡Hablemos de amor!
[SH] Con tu esperanza paciente y gentil corazón,
[YA] por favor perdona sus errores.
Si sólo crees...
[SN] Incluso si tu dolor crece tanto como tu amor,
[SH] no retrocedas, [TF] en el nombre del amor.
[TY] ¿Se alejan conforme se van conociendo?
[TY] ¿Se alejan conforme se van conociendo?
No pongas más excusas que causarán dolor
a través de razones sin decir, sólo abrázala.
[SY] Cuando llores lágrimas de dolor
[SY] Cuando llores lágrimas de dolor
en tiempos problemáticos, no te rindas.
[JS] El nombre que brilla con más fulgor
[JS] El nombre que brilla con más fulgor
que cualquier otra cosa en el mundo.
¡Hablemos de amor!
[SH] Con tu esperanza honesta y humilde corazón,
[HY] primero dile tu confesión de amor.
¡Hablemos de amor!
[SH] Con tu esperanza honesta y humilde corazón,
[HY] primero dile tu confesión de amor.
Tan tan sólo crees...
[TY] Ella es la chica más preciosa del mundo,
[JS] no la pierdas [HY] en el nombre del amor.
[TY] Este amor que el mundo no puede ofrecer
[TY] Ella es la chica más preciosa del mundo,
[JS] no la pierdas [HY] en el nombre del amor.
[TY] Este amor que el mundo no puede ofrecer
siempre estará a tu lado. En tu valentía.
¡Baby, sólo cree!
[SH] Con amor incondicional y felicidad eterna,
nos bendeciremos como uno solo.
Si sólo creemos...
[TY] Incluso si el dolor viene a nosotros una vez más,
creo fervientemente que lo superaremos juntos
[JS] oh, en el nombre del amor.
[JS] oh, en el nombre del amor.
Lyrics: Young H. Kim
Translations: bug, ak6c, jstn, boxclub,
Romanizations: daisy ♥
Translations: bug, ak6c, jstn, boxclub,
Romanizations: daisy ♥
Traducción: SooyoungsterA
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